Although Google provides some of the best free webmaster tools available, most people are not aware of them. Moreover, many webmasters who are aware of them have not taken the time to investigate the potential of these free tools. Whatever the reason for not using Google’s tools, webmasters who do not use them are placing themselves at a major disadvantage to those who do. In order to access these tools, all you need to do are two simple things. First, you must get a free account with Google, as they are available only to registered users. Second, get an Adwords account with Google even if you do not anticipate any advertising for your web site. This step is so that you will have access to some of their most powerful webmaster tools.
The general public knows that the search engine Google offers a free keyword suggestion tool to aid you in finding keywords that relate to your business. Research in keywords is basic to almost every part of the internet business. If you don’t think about this part of internet marketing then you probably will not be successful. The keyword suggestion tool can be quickly located by doing a search for “Google keyword suggestion” and clicking to the Google page at the beginning of the search results.
Also next is their site analytics software that is a very powerful tool. You can track visitors to your site with this amazing tool; however, you need an Adwords account for this. Data such as how they found you and whether they are turning into customers and/or prospective leads on your site can be gathered with this tool. The same kind of software from others can cost you hundreds of dollars and they are not half as user-friendly and powerful. For any serious webmaster, this software is an absolute must.
Last, but by no means least, is their suite of tools appropriately call webmaster tools. This is a collection of tools to allow you to find out many things such as how many pages you have in their index, any problems with your pages, and most importantly a very detailed list of the pages on the internet that link to you. This list is the heart of understanding why you do or do not, rank for search terms of interest to you. In my opinion, this is the most valuable tool that Google could have ever created and is a relatively recent addition to their offerings. Simply said, it rocks!

Dave Jimenez strategic and tactical leader with more than 15 years of experience on the client’s side and the agency. Innovative with a great image approach to create future strategies that deliver a “Wow factor! Factor” and measurable results. Try about the identification of unconventional promotional opportunities and harmonizing the media and creatives to launch and replace products. Successful record that adds an impatient value to associations, while exceeding the specific brand and sales objectives.
Specialties: integrated marketing, brand building and positioning, marketing communications, advertising, promotions, sponsors, events, corporate communications, community and public relations, corporate narrative, social networks, grass racks and guerrilla marketing