You may know quite a bit about hemorrhoids, but there’s always something else to learn, and no doubt you’ll be particularlykeen to konow about effective treatments. Here are a few facts and pointers that may surprise you.
One of the most common causes of hemorrhoid formation is chronic bouts of constipation. Preventing constipation and encouraging more regular bowel movements can go a long way in avoiding both internal and external hemorrhoids. Look for natural constipation remedies, such as aloe vera juice. Aloe vera can also be taken in gel or capsule form.
Soothe irritated hemorrhoids by creating a homemade sitz bath using warm water and Epsom salts. This can be done easily by adding a half cup of plain Epsom salts into a warm, shallow bath. Remain seated in the warm bath for as long as time allows, and repeat the process throughout the day, if possible.
To reduce the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids, you should soak in warm water. To do this, you need to fill a bathtub with six to 12 inches of warm water. After your tub is filled, sit in the water with your knees elevated. Doing this several times a day will increase the results. The warm water will improve the blood flow to the area.
Sleep is integral if you want to reduce the pain from the hemorrhoids that you have. Try to aim for at least seven hours of sleep every single night to help your body to restore its natural functionality. Make sure to get the ample rest to eliminate the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.
It is very important to get the proper nutrients in your body if you are trying to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. When you wake up in the morning eat an orange or an apple. These fruits will give you the vitamins that you need to improve blood circulation for your hemorrhoids.
If you suspect that you may have hemorrhoids, it is important that you visit a doctor as soon as you can. Other serious illnesses can mimic hemorrhoids so you want to make sure this is what you really have. Knowing it is hemorrhoids allows your doctor to treat it properly.
Many people like to read while sitting on the toilet. This is a perfect way to get hemorrhoids. You can be sitting much longer than you need to be, and pushing a little harder without even realizing it. If you are sitting longer than 5 minutes without anything happening, you have been sitting too long.
An excellent way to avoid the pain of hemorrhoids is to always use wet toilet paper. The dry toilet paper will scrub against your hemorrhoids and make them bleed. This can be very painful and lead to infections. Make sure the toilet paper is very wet and it should help considerably. You can also use the baby wipes that are made for changing babies.
There are a lot of factors involved in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Much depends on what stage your hemorrhoids are at. Nevertheless, careful application of some of the advice herein, is sure to provide you with some relief. Of course, you do need to consult with a doctor too.

Dave Jimenez strategic and tactical leader with more than 15 years of experience on the client’s side and the agency. Innovative with a great image approach to create future strategies that deliver a “Wow factor! Factor” and measurable results. Try about the identification of unconventional promotional opportunities and harmonizing the media and creatives to launch and replace products. Successful record that adds an impatient value to associations, while exceeding the specific brand and sales objectives.
Specialties: integrated marketing, brand building and positioning, marketing communications, advertising, promotions, sponsors, events, corporate communications, community and public relations, corporate narrative, social networks, grass racks and guerrilla marketing